The European Green Deal

The ambitious climate mission led by Ursula von der Leyen is starting to gather steam. Europe wants to be the front-runner in climate friendly industries and clean technologies. The policy package comprises of measures to tackle climate and environmental-related challenges through a resource-efficient and competitive economy. The overarching objective of this European project is to become the first carbon neutral continent by 2050 all whilst being the second largest consumer market globally. In order to attain this goal, by 2030 GHG emissions need to be cut by 50-55% of 1990 levels, the figure previously stood at 40%.

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Can fast fashion be sustainable?

Shopping streets around much of the world are lined with Christmas decorations, ready to welcome the hordes of shoppers in what is usually the busiest shopping period of the year. But there is a backlash emerging in response to our growing consumerism and the clothing industry is under increasing scrutiny. Not long since the flight shaming movement started, a new trend is gradually emerging in Nordic Countries: the Köpskam – literally the shame of buying, and mainly aimed at the fashion industry.

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The Circular Economy

In Geneva last month 180 countries agreed to limit the export of used plastics worldwide, in practice by requiring the agreement of the receiving state before export. For decades developed countries have been exporting plastic and toxic waste to Asia, claiming it will be recycled but in reality a significant proportion of it was buried due to contamination, incinerated or found on the ocean floor.

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