What happened at COP26 and why it’s not just government commitments that matter

There are mixed feelings coming out of the COP26. On the one hand, there were multiple new agreements and declarations that progress in the fight against climate change. On the other, they do not yet go far enough: we’re only just keeping the 1.5°C scenario alive. Pre-COP 26, we were on course for 2.7°C warming and the announcements during the conference put us somewhere between 1.8 °C and 2.4°C, depending on which study and organisation you believe. Of course, the devil is in the detail and the implementation. There is an enormous amount of work to be done to convert these commitments into action and to work out how these commitments will be policed.


Rapport de durabilité annuel 2020

Notre rapport de durabilité annuel 2020 est disponible !

2020 a été une année charnière pour l’investissement responsable et les fonds ESG. Alors que la pandémie a fait rage pendant la majeure partie de l’année et que les investisseurs sont restés prudents, l’investissement durable est désormais entré dans le domaine courant, enregistrant une croissance de plus de 50 % sur un marché des fonds par ailleurs peu dynamique.


Le fonds Accessible Clean Energy de QUAERO CAPITAL classé meilleur fonds thématique actions en Europe dans la catégorie des énergies propres

La boutique de gestion d’actifs genevoise QUAERO CAPITAL a vu son fonds thématique Quaero Capital Funds (Lux) – Accessible Clean Energy A USD classé No 1 en Europe sur 5 ans dans le classement Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards Europe 2021 dans la catégorie « Equity Theme – Alternative Energy ».


Net zero emission targets and the carbon offset market

December 2020 was the fifth anniversary of the Paris climate accord, marked by a climate summit held in the UK with 70 world leaders. In advance of this milestone, the UK threw down the gauntlet to other countries by elevating their emissions reduction target to 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, 11% higher than the previous target. These targets are considered the second toughest in the world, following only those of Sweden.
