Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestions or complaints.
In the event of a contact request, the user’s personal data will be processed by Quaero Capital entities in accordance with the regulations in force applicable to the entity concerned.
Quaero Capital SA
Rue de Lausanne 20bis
CH-1201 Genève
Tel: +41 22 518 83 00
Fax: +41 22 518 83 99
Quaero Capital SA
Dreikönigstrasse 8
CH-8002 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 200 48 40
Quaero Capital (France) SAS
4-8, rue Daru
F-75008 Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 87 39 11 00
QUAERO CAPITAL (FRANCE) SAS is an asset management company approved by the AMF ( under number GP-14000016 as of 17 June 2014. It has a share capital of EUR250,000 with registered offices at 4-8,rue Daru 75008 Paris, France. It is registered in the Paris Trade Register under number 802 673 491.
Quaero Capital LLP
2-4 King Street
London SW1Y 6QL
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 207 747 5770
Quaero Capital LLP is registered in England as a limited liability partnership (No. OC314014). A list of members’ names is available for inspection at the registered office address shown above.
Quaero Capital LLP is authorised and regulated by the FCA.
Quaero Capital
(Luxembourg) SA
Rue de l’Eau 4
L-1449 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 27 86 38 66
Placement agent
AAB Asset Services
Tel: +49 2202 8179 666
Mob: +49 171 268 3093