
We believe the world economy will continue to be shaped by many different sustainability challenges, particularly by climate change but also other factors such as increasing natural resource scarcity, ongoing damages to biodiversity as well as social factors such as diversity and inclusion.

These changes will create both challenges and opportunities across all industries as sustainability factors influence industry dynamics and growth. Global governments are stepping up to create a more sustainable global economy and many industries will need to adapt to massive structural changes. This new reality will considerably alter the investment environment and require a new process in order to be a responsible steward of clients’ assets.

Our focus has always been on the long-term, and we aim to invest in companies that are well positioned to benefit from this transition. ESG integration is therefore a vital part of our investment process.

We focus increasingly on our role as stewards of capital, and how we should be using that role to advance efforts towards our sustainable objectives. Our recent commitment to the Net Zero Asset Manager initiative demonstrates our company-wide focus on climate change.

Our commitments:

  • UN PRI (2015)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project
  • TCFD
  • Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative

ESG Handbook